(4) When the programmable controller detects an abnor mal condition, it stops the operation and all
outputs are:
• Turned off if the overcurrent or overvoltage prot ection of the power supp ly module is activated.
• Held or turned off according to the parameter setting if the self-diagnos tic function of the CPU
module detects an error such as a watchdog timer error.
Also, all outputs may be turned on if an error occurs in a part, such as an I/O control part,
where the CPU module cannot detect any error. To ensure safety operation in such a case,
provide a safety mechanism or a fail-safe circuit external to the programmable controller. For a
fail-safe circuit example, re fer to "General Safety Requirements" in the MELSEC-L CPU
Module User's Manual (Hardware Design, Maintenance and Inspection).
(5) Outputs may remain on or off due to a failure of a component such as a transistor in an output
circuit. Configure an external circuit for moni toring output signals that could cause a serious
● In an output circuit, when a load current exceeding the rated current or an overcurrent caused by a
load short-circuit flows for a long time, it may cause smoke and fire. To prevent this, configure an
external safety circuit, such as a fuse.
變頻器 FR-F720-2.2K
變頻器 FR-D720-2.2K
GT10觸摸屏 GT1020-LBL
GT10觸摸屏 GT1020-LBD2
變頻器 FR-D720-0.1K
RS-422電纜 GT01-C200R4-8P
伺服電機 HC-SFS203B
變頻器 FR-D720-1.5K
變頻器 FR-A720-0.75K
編碼器用電纜 MR-EKCBL20M-H
變頻器 FR-E720S-0.75K
變頻器 FR-E720-15K
伺服驅動器 MR-J2S-20A
編碼器電纜 MR-JCCBL20M-L
變頻器 FR-D720-0.2K
變頻器 FR-E720-5.5K
變頻器 FR-A720-15K
保護膜 GT10-20PSCB
編碼器電纜 MR-JHSCBL20M-H
伺服馬達 HC-RFS203K
RS-422電纜 GT10-C200R4-8P
變頻器 FR-E720-3.7K
伺服放大器 MR-J2S-200B4
變頻器 FR-A720-3.7K
參數單元連接電纜 FR-CB205
變頻器 FR-D720S-0.75K
端子排模塊用電纜 AC20TB
變頻器 FR-F720-3.7K