Location LED Status Check Point
ding data form computer to
rammable controller(s).
SD LED is lit Wiring between computer and 485PC-IF is OK.
SD LED is not lit
Check wiring between computer and 485PC-IF. Check that data has been
sent from computer.
ding data form programma-
ontroller to computer.
RD LED is lit Wiring between programmable controller and 485PC-IF is OK.
RD LED is not lit
Check wiring between programmable controller and 485PC-IF. Check set-
ting of programmable controller(s) for computer link.
delines for the safety of the user and protection of the FX-485PC-IF RS485 Interface Unit
This manual has been written to be used by trained and competent personnel. This is defined by the European directives for
machinery, low voltage and EMC.
f in doubt at any stage during the installation of the FX-485PC-IF always consult a professional electrical engineer who is qualified
and trained to the local and national standards. If in doubt about the operation or use of the FX-485PC-IF please consult the near-
est Mitsubishi Electric distributor.
Under no circumstances will Mitsubishi Electric be liable or responsible for any consequential damage that may arise as a result of
he installation or use of this equipment.
All examples and diagrams shown in this manual are intended only as an aid to understanding the text, not to guarantee opera-
ion. Mitsubishi Electric will accept no responsibility for actual use of the product based on these illustrative examples.
Owing to the very great variety in possible application of this equipment, you must satisfy yourself as to its suitability for your spe-
cific application.
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-300CAB
終端模塊 FX-16EX-A1-TB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-150CAB-R
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-500CAB-R
輸入輸出電纜 FX-A32E-500CAB
存儲卡 FX-EPROM-8
終端模塊 FX-16EYS-TB
連接電纜 FX-232CAB-1
連接電纜 FX-232CAB-2
輸入輸出電纜 FX-A32E-300CAB
通用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-500CAB-S
RS-422電纜 FX-422CAB0
終端模塊 FX-16E-TB
RS-232C/RS-422轉換器 FX-232AWC-H
終端模塊 FX-16EYT-TB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-150CAB
終端模塊 FX-32E-TB
終端模塊 FX-16EYT-H-TB
存儲卡 FX-RAM-8
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-300CAB-R
輸入輸出電纜 FX-A32E-150CAB
終端模塊用的輸入輸出電纜 FX-16E-500CAB
終端模塊 FX-16EYR-TB
存儲卡 FX-EEPROM-16