2、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-RS2 Type Serial Communication board 用戶手冊
EMC指令適合の詳細については, 使用するGOTのユーザーズマニュアル
1. 概 要
3、三菱 A9GTMEM 三菱-A9GTMEM-10MF20MF40MF Type Flash PC Card 用戶手冊
● 本ユニットは,GOT本體のユーザーズマニュアル記載の一般
● GOT本體にフラッシュPCカードを裝著するときは,GOT裝著
4、三菱 FR 三菱-FR-A700-NA (North American version applied 手冊)
stopping of the inverter.
Use a noise filter to reduce the effect of electromagnetic interference. Otherwise
nearby electronic equipment may be affected.
Take measures to suppress harmonics. O
5、三菱 FR 三菱-FR-A760-NA (North American version applied 手冊)
• While power is on or when the inverter is running, do not open the front cover.
Otherwise you may get an electric shock.
• Do not run the inverter with the front cover or wiring
6、三菱 FR-A700 三菱-FR-A700-EC (European version applied 手冊)
1 Selections for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor with power supply voltage of 400VAC 50Hz.
*2 Select the MCCB according to the inverter power supply capacity.
Install one MCCB per
7、三菱 FR-A700 三菱-FR-A700 (Japanese domestic version applied 手冊)
1.1 Product checking and parts identification ........................................................ 2
1.2 Inverter and peripheral devices..........................................
8、三菱 FR-A700 三菱-FR-A700-EC (European version applied 手冊)
1 Selections for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor with power supply voltage of 400VAC 50Hz.
*2 Select the MCCB according to the inverter power supply capacity.
Install one MCCB per
9、三菱 FR-A700 三菱-FR-A700-EC (European version applied 手冊)
1 Selections for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor with power supply voltage of 400VAC 50Hz.
*2 Select the MCCB according to the inverter power supply capacity.
Install one MCCB per
11、三菱 A9GT 三菱-A9GT-80STAND 用戶手冊
z z z z SAFETY PRECAUTIONS z z z z
(Read these precautions prior to use.)
When using Mitsubishi equipment, thoroughly read this manual and the
associated manuals that are introduced in
12、三菱 AD51H 三菱-AD51H-BASIC Programinng 手冊 (Command)
Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this manual
carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly.
The instructio